The Rio de Janeiro Marine Aquarium, or AquaRio, is a 100% private, modern and multifunctional public visitation facility for education, research, conservation, leisure, entertainment and culture. Thus, it created the opportunity for the City of Rio de Janeiro – which has a natural vocation for tourism linked to the sea – to offer visitors to a unique space with attractions and innovative technologies little seen in Brazil.
With 26 thousand m² of built area and 4.5 million liters of water, AquaRio is the largest marine aquarium in South America by liters of water, with more than 10 thousand animals, from 350 different species on display. Several new attractions, grand enclosures and tanks and all the necessary infrastructure to provide educational and pleasurable entertainment to the public.
One of the biggest attractions at AquaRio is the main tank – affectionately known as “Tancão™.” It is the Oceanic Enclosure. With 3.5 million liters of water, a seven-meter ceiling height, and a tunnel passing through its interior, the combination of the impressive body of water and the large number of animals provides an incredible and unique experience!
After all, it’s a playful environment that is perfect for enchantment, learning, demystification, respect, and awakening the need to preserve the marine ecosystem.
Uma das maiores atrações do AquaRio é o tanque principal – Tancão™ para os íntimos – que é o Recinto Oceânico e de Mergulho. Com 3,5 milhões de litros de água, sete metros de pé-direito e um túnel passando por seu interior, a combinação da impressionante massa d’água, com a grande quantidade de animais, proporciona uma experiência incrível e ímpar!
Afinal, é uma oportunidade de participar de um mergulho real com peixes, raias e tubarões num ambiente lúdico e propício para se encantar, conhecer, desmistificar, respeitar e despertar a necessidade de preservar o ecossistema marinho.
Additionally, there are more than 27 secondary tanks and specific areas, such as the touch tank, where the public, especially children, can interact with some of the exhibited animals.
Good aquariums can and should be seen as important sustainability tools for society, as they are well-founded in quality environmental education, serious scientific research, and biodiversity conservation strategies, always offering excellent accommodation, exhibition, and treatment conditions based on respect for the life and well-being of animals. Making them modern tourism, leisure, and entertainment facilities only reinforces their vocation.
Once again, emphasizing the importance of aquariums for the ecosystem, we can cite a real example: two out of three seahorse species found in the Brazilian coast are at great risk of extinction. Here at AquaRio, we not only house some specimens of these species but also carry out captive breeding projects for subsequent release into the wild.
Praça Muhammad Ali, Gambôa, 20220360 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
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Desenvolvido por RioMarca Agência Web
Praça Muhammad Ali, Gambôa, 20220360 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
[email protected] | +55 (21) 3900-6670
Customer service from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Desenvolvido por RioMarca Agência Web
Praça Muhammad Ali, Gambôa, 20220360 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
[email protected] | +55 (21) 3900-6670
Atención de lunes a viernes, excepto feriados, de 9:00 a. m. a 6:00 p. m.
Desenvolvido por RioMarca Agência Web