Director and President of the Aquarium

Marcelo Szpilman

Marcelo Szpilman, a marine biologist from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with a postgraduate degree in Environment from COPPE, also at UFRJ, is the CEO of the Rio de Janeiro Marine Aquarium – AquaRio.

He is the author of books such as “Guia Aqualung de Peixes” (1991) and its expanded English version “Aqualung Guide to Fishes” (1992), “Seres Marinhos Perigosos” (1998), “Peixes Marinhos do Brasil” (2000) – which has been the official standard for the classification of saltwater species in Brazil since 2001 – and “Tubarões no Brasil” (2004).

He is also the co-founder and executive director of the Aqualung Ecological Institute for 22 years, nominated as the 2015 Personality in the Society/Sustainability category by O Globo’s Faz Diferença Award, the torchbearer for the Rio 2016 Olympic Torch and Paralympic Torch, and elected in the Science category of Veja Rio’s 2016 Cariocas do Ano Award. Marcelo Szpilman was also honored in 2017 with the Mérito Tamandaré Medal, awarded to civilian personalities who have provided relevant services in strengthening the traditions of the Brazilian Navy.

With over 30 years of experience in the environmental field, Marcelo Szpilman is one of the most recognized names in Brazilian biology and a reference when it comes to marine life. As a result, he is a frequent speaker, having given nearly 200 lectures, and he is often interviewed on the subject. He has appeared on programs like Jô, Programa Livre, Almanaque, Dois na Bola, Sem Censura, Zona de Impacto, as well as important newspapers such as Nacional, Band, da Noite, RJTV, Bom Dia Rio, and Fantástico, where he hosted the series “The 10 Most Dangerous Sharks” for ten consecutive Sundays!


Despite all these years dedicated to marine life, there was still a big dream to be realized: an aquarium in the city of Rio de Janeiro. There were some pilot projects over three years, including one at Aterro do Flamengo, Marina da Glória, and even at the Pier of Praça Mauá, the space now occupied by the Museum of Tomorrow. In 2008, Marcelo Szpilman won a public call from the city government, granting him a 50-year lease on the Cibrazem building in the Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro.


From there, it took several years to make the 100% private aquarium a reality. In 2012, the construction of AquaRio as we know it today began, with a focus on research, education, and conservation as its pillars. As Szpilman states, “You have to know in order to conserve.”


Com mais de 30 anos de bagagem na área ambiental, Marcelo Szpilman é um dos nomes mais reconhecidos da biologia nacional, sendo referência quando o assunto é vida marinha. Por isso, é figura recorrente em palestras – já são quase 200! – e entrevistas sobre o tema – ele já passou por programas como do Jô, Programa Livre, Almanaque, Dois na Bola, Sem Censura, Zona de Impacto, e importantes jornais, como o Nacional, da Band, da Noite, RJTV, Bom Dia Rio e o Fantástico, no qual foi o apresentador da série “Os 10 tubarões mais perigosos” por dez domingos consecutivos!


Com todos esses anos dedicados à vida marinha ainda existia um grande sonho a ser realizado: um aquário na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foram alguns projetos-piloto durante 03 anos, como do Aterro do Flamengo, da Marina da Glória e até do Píer da Praça Mauá, espaço onde hoje temos o Museu do Amanhã; até que, em 2008, Marcelo Szpilman ganhou (chamada pública) da prefeitura a cessão por 50 anos do prédio Cibrazem, na Zona Portuária da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.



E, a partir daí, foram alguns anos para viabilizar um equipamento 100% privado. Em 2012 foi dada a largada para a construção do AquaRio como o conhecemos hoje, tendo como pilares a pesquisa, a educação e a conservação. Afinal, como afirma Szpilman, é preciso conhecer para conservar.







